Restorative Justice Ministries
of the Brazos Valley
A Christian ministry to the inmates of the Brazos County Detention Center
Board of Directors
The Restorative Justice Ministry Board meets once a month to discuss and direct this ministry.
*If you are interested in joining the Board we are currently looking for a Secretary. (Our Board members are not paid for this ministry. Strictly on a volunteer basis.)
Noe Juarez, Chair/Momentum Church
Jim Jackson, Treasurer, A&M Church of Christ
Mike Arnold, Member
Wyniese Way, Member
Christian Dorsey, Chaplain
Chris Wilson, Administrative Coordinator
We welcome your prayers, comments and suggestions for Restorative Justice Ministries. You can reach our office at or (979) 361-4852.
If you have any concerns or questions for the Sheriff’s Office, contact the Restorative Justice Ministries office who will notify the Chaplain.
The Chaplain is the liaison between RJM and the Sheriff’s Office on religious and spiritual matters.